Simulator training & assessing for the Maritime industry

A simulators “fidelity” is the extent to which it can replicate the experience of a real work environment. Todays simulators have taken the lead in training and assessing tools that mirror real life scenarios. It has been inferred that computer generated simulators and those simulators with higher realism are likely to produce better training and … Read more


Maritime training and assessing has been around for years. It’s an effective way to learn, practice and be assessed in real time skills without damaging vessels, facilities, injury or death. Technology  has advanced tremendously in recent years and simulation has benefited greatly from this technology . Most seafarers encounter few emergencies throughout their careers and … Read more

Simulator training & assessing for todays mariners

Todays simulators have improved greatly over the last decade. Simulators presently offer a platform for mariners to preform tasks in a virtual world, which otherwise would be expensive, time consuming and a risk had it been done in real time. It is imperative that each of the training methods used is assessed by engaging the … Read more

The growing need for Toars on bridge simulators

Simulation assessments merit a system that is comprehensive, valid and reliable to assess the necessary elements along with the critical knowledge and skills of a mariner to validate that  they can demonstrate proficiently in a realistic setting. At Maritime Toar Assessments Inc. the assessment process in itself is important in curriculum development as well feedback … Read more

To Drill or not to Drill, is that a question?

In the maritime world nothing makes a mariner roll their eyes longer and stronger than having the Master or Mate announce, “We are having safety drills this afternoon!” Sleep loss, interference with you daily routine, checking off a box, paper work and having to discuss “in detail” yet again, how a fire can start in … Read more

How Much Does Your Boat Weigh? GRT vs. GT

Many times in my consulting business I need to know what the “Gross Tonnage” of a particular vessel is. This will be the driving force of MANY regulations and how they affect a mariner’s licensing progression as well as the myriad of regulations that may affect the vessel’s operation and regulatory process. Many mariners and … Read more

TSMS vs. TVR? Confusion Reigns for Many Towing Vessel Owners

Many small towing vessel operators and owners are still confused by the division of Subchapter “M” or what I like to refer to the “bipolar” nature of the way these regulations are being rolled out to the industry. It is very important for all owners to understand the process as much as what regulatory changes … Read more

Simulator Training: The Future of Towing Endorsements in the Tugboat Industry

At Maritime TOAR Assessments, we understand how important obtaining a towing endorsement is for Mariners looking to advance into wheelhouse positions. Since 2009, we have assisted Mariners in their completion of USCG Towing Officer Assessment Records (TOAR). The simulator training facility at Northeast Maritime Institute in Fairhaven, Massachusetts provides training and assessment scenarios to Mariners … Read more